Romancing a Dead Sunflower (Nusrat)

Let me tell you a story today, there was a sunflower who once enjoyed smiling at the sun and dancing her heart out, she used to create pollen for her guests such as butterflies, fireflies, honeybees and so on.

One day, a swarm of grasshoppers came in and mocked her for being a sunflower and not a rose. Mocked her for carrying a big, fat brown seed that she carries. Mocked her for having male-like strength, mocked her for not being as fragile as a rose, whose petals are easy to romance. The grasshoppers could not easily romance her, and they said, "A rose is easier to romance because of her sensitive petals." "You stupid sunflower, you are good for nothing."

They bullied her for being strong or not as beautiful as a rose.

One day, an insightful hand came in to visit the sunflower garden and saw her almost lying in vulnerability. The hands came in and started to say, "How beautiful she must have been, how powerful she has been, and that even though she is almost dead, she is being her best."

The sunflower started to gleam slowly, and the hand started to use powerful words in her ears: beautiful, strong despite being in the process of being rotten, warrior she is.

The sunflower woke up. The hands told the sunflower, "Listen, a rose is easier to target, and a sunflower isn't an easy target for unnecessary attention." Look, the problem isn't about being a sunflower or a rose; we are all vulnerable, sensitive, and easy to romance, but of course, not everyone can see our worth, not everyone has the right eye to spot your intelligence and beauty.

The sunflower listened intently to the comforting words of the insightful visitor. As the words washed over her, she felt a renewed sense of strength and purpose filling her once-drooping petals. She realized that her uniqueness as a sunflower was not a weakness but a strength, something to be celebrated rather than scorned.

With a newfound resolve, the sunflower stood tall, embracing her identity with pride. She understood that her value lay not in conforming to society's narrow standards of beauty but in her resilience, her ability to withstand adversity, and her unwavering commitment to nurturing life around her.

As the days passed, the sunflower continued to bask in the warmth of the sun, her golden petals shimmering with renewed vitality. She welcomed back her old guests—the butterflies, fireflies, and honey bees—and even extended her hospitality to new visitors who marvelled at her strength and resilience.

The grasshoppers, once so quick to mock her, now watched in awe as the sunflower bloomed brighter and more beautiful than ever before. They realized that true beauty transcended superficial appearances and lay in the depth of character, in the courage to embrace one's true self, flaws and all.

The sunflower's story spread far and wide, inspiring others to embrace their uniqueness and stand tall in the face of adversity. She became a symbol of resilience, a reminder that true beauty lies not in conformity but in authenticity.

And so, the sunflower continued to smile at the sun, dancing her heart out with joy and gratitude for the beauty of being exactly who she was meant to be—strong, resilient, and utterly radiant in her own unique way.

 -Nusrat Ahmed


My LAD Journey (Heather)