Letters Against
An organization that provides hope and support to those battling mental illnesses through the power of handwritten letters. We have over 10,000 volunteers who have written over 51,500 letters and cards that have personally impacted each one of our recipients’ lives. We have connected people from over 60 countries, being the voice of hope and support for every person of all ages.
In today’s world, over 1 billion people struggle with the burden of a mental illness. Mental illness is often seen as a taboo in society which makes it more difficult to seek support during dark times. And often many people go through this burden alone.
We hope to be the beacon that guides those in this battle out of the darkness and into the light through the power of handwritten letters.
Our Organization
To send hope and support to those battling depression and other mental illnesses through our free handwritten letters. Our letters are packed with the affirming messages “You are not alone” and that “You matter”!
Message from our founder, Robert:
Greetings and Salutations!
I founded this organization back in 2014 after my own experiences with depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. I had such an overwhelming want during my lowest points to just know that I was not alone in this and that my existence truly mattered. As I started breaking through on my healing journey, I needed to find a way to reach out to those battling mental illness as well to let them know that they matter, and that they are not alone.
I am passionate about getting rid of the stigma that surrounds mental illness, and finding ways to eliminate barriers to those seeking mental illness help. I hope to inject compassion, hope, and support into a community that needs it so much.
My favorite quote is an old Chinese proverb that states "A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step". This has been a huge help in my healing journey, to understand and know that I won't be "cured" today or tomorrow, but the journey requires me to take those steps forward to get there. It is such an important journey, and I look forward to all of the sights and experiences that I'll pass as I get there.
Robert Mason
“Your letter saved my life today...”