Harnessing Creativity to Combat Depression (Evelyn)
Dedicating time to cultivating creativity creates a sense of accomplishment, and this comes without the added pressure of fear of perfection or disappointment because it is purely for you. When we give ourselves time to create in a way that is not limited by the outside world’s expectations, we give ourselves the opportunity to explore, grow, and reflect.

Focus on One Thing at a Time (Itisha)
A short guide on the importance of taking things step by step!

Touching Grass: Nature and Its Benefits for Mental Health (Aleiyah)
Trying to survive the day-to-day grind can be exhausting. It’s about time we start prioritizing our mental health and reconnecting with nature instead.

Don’t Keep It Locked In (Lyn Melody)
To anyone reading this and suffering silently, please know you are not alone. If you are experiencing hopelessness, and constant pain that brings you to thoughts of suicide, please understand that the feelings will pass. Treatment comes in many different forms, but the first step is talking to someone you trust. Don’t ignore the signs. I promise you it will get better.

Managing Relationships With People When You Both Struggle With Mental Illness (River)
Most people can relate to the experience of having a friend or partner who is often in a negative mood and broadcasts that in a way that seems to bring the mood of everyone around them down. While it's important to be there for our friends who are struggling, it is also important to not let that negatively impact you.

Ranking Up Together: Creating a Community through Online Gaming (Brandon)
Online gaming has the ability to bring like-minded people together in a way that we have never seen before. People can come together from completely different walks of life and bond over games that encourage teamwork to overcome unimaginable odds that you most of the time won't be able to encounter in the real world.

Neurodiversity and Mental Health: Shifting Paradigms (Yerim)
Nothing is right or wrong when it comes to the human brain and mind. Who gets to decide when a human behavior crosses the threshold of being defined as a pathology rather than a diversity of the human mind?

A Flower is a Woman (Nusrat)
To all the dearest flowers blooming across the globe, embrace your inner beauty with pride and grace. You are a beacon of the incredible strength and nurturing spirit that defines you.

Handwritten Hope: Finding Strength by Supporting Others (Vamika)
Learn how writing letters to those with mental illnesses benefits both the recipient and the writer. From building empathy to finding therapeutic relief, discover how the art of letter writing fosters connections and can improve your well-being.

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows: Embracing the Chaos! (Natalie)
Whether you’re in a dark place or not, put on your headphones and listen to some happy music. Go through some tips and tricks personally tested by Natalie Brooke for embracing the Chaos through Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows!!

Find Joy in the Little Things: Exploring Sohwakhaeng (Yebin)
In the midst of a bustling world, Sohwakhaeng, a Korean philosophy meaning “small but certain happiness,” invites you to uncover the joys hidden in everyday moments.

Sunshine and Serotonin: A Guide to Summer Happiness (Gaile)
Sunshine is a natural medicine that can calm us down, lift our spirits, and brighten our days. In this blog, we will explore how summer could lead to a happier, healthier mind by embracing the delightful moments sun-kissed.

Morning Rituals to Boost Mental-Wellbeing (Diana)
For most individuals, the warm sun and alarm clock coaxe them out of their bed. It can be easy to lay there for a little too long… so it is important to be intentional about your mornings. The actions you do in the early AM hours can easily set the tone for the rest of the day. Engaging in a realistic and effective set of rituals for the morning can introduce many benefits to your mental well-being.

Putting Yourself First (Elena)
It may seem self-explanatory and unimportant, but putting yourself first is a critical step when dealing with any day-to-day issue. Now, putting yourself first does not mean ignoring all those around you and only thinking about yourself; instead, it consists of treating yourself and your emotions as important factors when making decisions.

You Are Never Too Old (Hillary)
Once the dust settled on my new life, regret began to overwhelm me. I felt like I had wasted the first half of my life on a “me” that wasn’t real or true or happy. And that was time I could never get back.

Befriending Your Inner Critic (Ciera)
It’s horrible and irrational and loud, and even if in the moment you know that you’re flooded by irrationality, it can feel impossible to keep swimming against the current.

Doomscrolling Causes Depression (Lucia)
Doomscrolling is the act of mindlessly scrolling through social media; it can also expose us to other forms of content, which can take a toll on mental health.

Romancing a Dead Sunflower (Nusrat)
The sunflower's story spread far and wide, inspiring others to embrace their uniqueness and stand tall in the face of adversity. She became a symbol of resilience, a reminder that true beauty lies not in conformity but in authenticity.

The Importance of Music on Mental Health (Sean)
Whether it’s a slow melody or a fast-paced beat, the music I listen to sets the tone for my entire day – and it can also be instrumental when dealing with mental health!