Authenticity Summer Project

Welcome to Living Authentically! This summer project, consisting of interns Aleiyah, Brandon, Itisha, and Natalie, aims to destigmatize a variety of shared experiences that are often looked down upon societally. Those who submit letter requests to LAD list countless feelings and experiences that they struggle with, including finding a way to live life authentically and truthfully. Having dealt with many of the same issues, we want to express how important is to live life to the fullest and to help our readers learn to accept each aspect of themselves, regardless of societal expectations.

Each week, one member of the Living Authentically Panel will share how they live their lives authentically, touching on common themes found throughout LAD letter requests. We hope that this project inspires members of the LAD community to break out of their comfort zones, to recognize that they are not alone, and to aid them in their journey of living authentically!

Rob Mason Rob Mason

Long Distance Relationships (Brandon Alago)

Long Distance relationships can be a real rollercoaster. They require extra communication, and effort in order to succeed compared to an in person relationship. Sometimes they can be even more emotionally taxing and anxiety inducing than non long distance relationships. Despite that however, there are many lessons that can be learned through a challenge like this. Believe it or not, it has the potential of even making a relationship stronger.

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

Behind the Scenes of College: Reality vs. Hollywood (Aleiyah Aguero)

College is not as exciting and drama-filled as coming-of-age films may make it appear. For most, college mainly consists of going to class, doing your work, and rushing home afterwards to try and get as much rest as possible before the next day begins. Although teen dramas make college look like a movie-come-to-life, that is not always the case, and that is okay to admit.

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (Natalie Brooke)

Throughout our lives, many of us go through various highs and lows. Friends and family often give their own advice which can make things worse, depending on what it is… For example, some of the ones I’ve heard are: “Pull your socks up!” or “Be more grateful.” or “Others have it worse.” Everyone has their opinions and views - and that’s okay… but I think what we must normalise is that it’s okay to not be okay! Really, it is - trust me! I know you don’t know me, but know this: it’s okay to be feeling what you’re feeling right now. Your feelings are valid. Emotions need to be felt. Take it from Inside Out - all of our emotions play a part in our lives. They’re all important. And, that’s truly beautiful. Why? Read on.

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

Acknowledging Men’s Mental Health Part 2: Male Friendships (Brandon Alago)

Male friendships can be rather tricky to handle at times and can be even trickier to explain. I have had male friends all of my life, and let me just say that they are a complete rollercoaster. There are several reasons as to why they can be really tricky to manage, and it has a lot to do with societal expectations. Everyone needs friends, and they are extremely important to our mental health.

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

Every Body is a Good Body (Aleiyah Aguero)

In a world full of negativity and false appearances, it is important to shed your mask and embrace your true self. Authenticity and confidence in one’s skin may be hard to achieve, but it is a powerful tool to wield. We have only one life, so why waste it chasing impossible, ever-changing beauty standards? Every body is a good body, including yours!

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

The Struggles of Trying to “Fit In” (Itisha Sehdev)

Not fitting in is something we all deal with, at any stage of life. It can be incredibly difficult and exhausting to feel this way, which is why we here at LAD believe it is so important to learn how to have pride in who you are and embrace your authentic self!

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

The Difficulties in Navigating Friendships Throughout Adulthood (Natalie Brooke)

Many adults struggle with maintaining and/or finding friendships. Another difficult thing to navigate is finding community in a world that is judgemental and cliquey. Society puts a lot of pressure on individuals to have a solid group of friends after high school. This simply isn’t attainable anymore, as after graduating everyone goes their own way: by getting married, having kids, continuing education, moving away, etc. This can be devastating to those that aren’t experiencing the same things in life. Sure, we have different seasons of life - but when we’re made out to feel less than because we don’t “measure” up to what others have accomplished… that’s when it becomes a problem. How can we then be authentic in finding friendships and building our community?

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Rob Mason Rob Mason

Acknowledging Men’s Mental Health Part 1: Sexual Orientation (Brandon Alago)

Many of our male readers write in about how they struggle to properly express their feelings to their family and friends. Many have a hard time understanding their own emotions, and desires, which unfortunately results in some pretty bad experiences. Society has a certain image on what a man is “supposed” to look like. There’s a lot to cover in regards to men’s mental health, and one blog post isn’t going to do it justice. I’m going to start by talking about how my sexual orientation journey helped me surround myself with those who loved me for being my authentic self.

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