Receiving Letters
We mail letters ANYWHERE in the world
This form is only for requesting letters for yourself
Below you will find a form to request a letter or update your current request with us. We ask that you share with us as much as you’d can about yourself so that we can ensure you receive personalized and unique letters.
Tell us what makes you, well… you!
You can talk about your history with depression/mental illness
You can talk about things you enjoy doing, hobbies, music you like, entertainment, how you spend your time
You may choose to indicate such information as favorite color, if you are religious or not, and even who your might think would relate to your story!
Share all the stories you think you want! Don’t be afraid to get personal! We want to relate to what’s happening in YOUR LIFE. Be authentic, tell us anything you want.
You may select to include such information as your birthday to receive birthday cards
You may select up to two holidays you celebrate to receive cards
Letters can take approximately 2-4+ weeks to arrive, depending on the current number of requests/where it is coming in the world.
When you sign up, your profile will be active in our system for 1 full year from submission. When it gets close to the 1-year mark, we will email a reminder for you to do an update for your profile, which will extend it out another year. You can continue to update your profile in that way to receive letters for years to come.
We take your privacy seriously! All information like Last Name and address are kept safe and private!
We do not share information like Last Name, email address, and your street address to ensure that everything is kept private. All volunteer letters are sent to our headquarters in Florida, so no volunteer has access to this information
What to know when requesting letters:
Please remember that all of our letters are written by someone in the world who has taken time out of their day to respond to your story.
We are a snail mail-based organization. It takes time for a letter to be written, mailed to the home office, processed, and mailed to you!
Once you have signed up, your name goes on a list of recipients. In order for everyone to have a fair shot of being written to, this list updates as letters are sent. Once you receive your letter, your name goes to the bottom of the list.
We currently send approximately 200 letters a month to a list of approximately 1,200 recipients, and this list is growing. However, depending on the ratio of Volunteers to Recipients, it might take a while to receive a letter. Rest assured you have not been removed from the list and your name is still there! Please be patient with our Volunteers.
If you update your story annually, you will be more likely to continue to receive letters. We will let you know when that time comes.
You may receive a letter with the person’s information in it. You may choose to correspond directly with your letter writer. You may not. Many of our Volunteers include their information as another way of connecting with you. You are under no obligation to respond. Or you may choose to respond much later. Many of our Volunteers have been with us for years and will understand.
If you have encountered a problem, please reach out to Rob@lettersagainst.org.
What to know when receiving letters:
Fill out the form below to request your letters of Hope and Support
Please note that due to the portal glitches, if you got an error message when submitting the form, it did in fact get submitted, you do not have to submit twice. If you want to check, you can reach out to Kim@lettersagainst.org to confirm after 48 horus to allow for processing time.
“Those that have written have been truly inspirational and helped me enormously. Your encouraging words and notes, cards and homemade things are so beautiful I have saved them in my keep box.”