It’s as easy as 1 2 3
Do it
Write your letters of hope and support, create your hugs, participate in social media, and make sure all your hours are accurately entered into your Volunteer Poral.
Request it
Request your hours as soon as possible.
You can email Rob (Robert@lettersagainst.org) or Kim (kim@lettersagainst.org) with your information such as name, email, and approximate number of hours you have volunteered.
Both Rob and Kim have day jobs. We try to get these confirmations out when we get them, but you should give as much notice as possible. The night before is not ideal. 1-2 weeks is optimal.
Receive it
Once Rob or Kim receives your email, they will confirm your hours from the portal. Then we will send you an official confirmation letter on Letters Against Depression letterhead. If you need your hours confirmed through a portal or other manner, please let us know with more advance notice so we can accommodate you.
“Thank you so much to everyone on this platform and the wonderful volunteers here at Letters Against Depression”