Pride in Authenticity: Celebrating Pride Month and Self-Acceptance (Aleiyah Aguero)

“Happy Pride Month!

Here at LAD, we strive to support everyone, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. As a member of the LGBT+ community myself, I have found a strong sense of comfort and acceptance at LAD and wanted to ensure that those who write in about their struggles with their sexuality feel seen and heard here. Being your true, authentic self regardless of societal expectations is one of the most important things in life — we only get one shot so we might as well live life to the fullest.

As mentioned, I am a proud member of the LGBT+ community, but my experience has not been all sunshine and rainbows. I have lost friends, gained unwanted attention, been criticized and threatened, and have had to hide my identity in order to maintain positions and avoid potentially harmful consequences. Part of being authentic is recognising that these events unfortunately do happen, but it is equally vital that we highlight the positives of remaining authentic in spite of it all. I have met some of the most wonderful, kindhearted individuals through my connections with the LGBT+ community, I have felt accepted and welcomed at Pride events, and, with those that have accepted me as I am, I have built unbreakable everlasting bonds. There is an unequivocal beauty in being able to display your true self even in the face of fear, and it is even more rewarding when you find people who love you as you are as a result.

Before I was intern with LAD, I submitted a letter request for myself, mentioning my difficulties with feeling appreciated and accepted by the people around me due to my identity. It can be incredibly challenging to find a welcoming community in this day and age, but seeing how many other people listed their experiences with acceptance (or the lack thereof) made me feel less alone. Not only that, but it strengthened my resolve in living authentically and loving myself regardless of what other people may think.

I am here to tell you that there ARE people out there who will love and support you regardless of how you identify. Coming from someone who has lived with one foot in and one foot out of the closet, it can be scary, but it is so worth it to step into the world and search for people who are just life you. Last year was the first time I ever went to a Pride Parade, and let me tell you, I was terrified. I worried about being harassed or even being turned away by people within my own community. But, I kept in mind how crucial it is to take a leap of faith and do the “hard thing” — and guess what, I had the time of my life. Being in a crowd of thousands all celebrating the same thing as you are, in a space where you can express however you want, was not only rewarding but entirely life-changing. That moment taught me that I want to live my life authentically and wholeheartedly no matter what the consequences may be.

Whether or not you have access to Pride events, learning to love your true self is a goal we should all strive for. We only get one life, and living it to the fullest extent is the least that we can ask of ourselves. If you can’t participate in Pride events — it’s okay to not be ready for that yet — then get that gender-affirming haircut, wear the outfit you’ve been wanting to, and fly that Pride flag high. It can be intimidating, but you will always have a community of hundreds of thousands behind you, ready to lift you up and to love you as you are.

I truly hope that any members of the LAD community who are wondering whether or not to embrace themselves find solace in the fact that there are countless people just like you out there, such as the person writing this very blog. LAD and its wonderful network of writers will always be here for you and ready to support your journey. Now, go out and live authentically you!

Authentic Creators Pride Spotlight:


Acknowledging Men’s Mental Health Part 1: Sexual Orientation (Brandon Alago)