Haunting (Hannah)

It's haunting you. Creeping up from behind. Ready to attack at any minute. There's always worry when all things are calm; because calm equals chaos waiting to happen in your brain. You can feel it breathing down your neck all the time. Just wishing it would go away. Sometimes you feel like you're crazy. You are the only one who can see your demons. Maybe just maybe you were the ghost after all. Feeling cold and distant from all that is around you. Floating around without ever feeling grounded. Being there but never being fully present. 

Mental illness can feel like it's haunting you. The constant fear that it's going to spring up when you least expect it, like those old and creepy Jack-In-A-Box toys that never worked on time. Or having the ghostly presence of depression and feeling lost like those who wander the cemetery alone at night. In many analogies mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety have the same sense as a typical haunting.

Almost  every ghost story I've heard, the spirit is always, ‘looking for the light.’ In some sense we are the same as these generational tales. Our spirit is also looking for a sense of ‘light.’  In our case our ‘light’ is hope, something that every person needs and dreams to find. Here at Letters Against Depression our mission is to be a beacon of light and to bring hope to all those struggling with mental illness through the power of handwritten letters. We hope that these letters can bring you comfort and a sense of peace. Know that no matter what you are going through or how dark your days may seem, there will always be someone here who cares about you and is here cheering you on. 

My hope in writing this is for you to know that we understand how haunting it can feel to live with mental illness. But, you will never walk these haunted halls alone. Even Casper had friends in the end. There is always a lighthouse of hope beaming just for you. Never stop looking for your light. As always if you are feeling down and need support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Letters Against Depression. If you haven’t already, you can request to receive letters here. Lastly, (but of course most importantly) YOU MATTER! 

-As always ‘HUGS’



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Overwhelmed? Maybe You're Not Resting Properly (Madi)