Finding Your Inner Peace: A Mini Guide to Journaling (Liz)

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of peace and tranquility can be a challenging endeavor. Amidst the chaos, journaling stands out as a powerful tool to help you navigate the complexities of your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. In this mini-guide, we'll explore how journaling can be a pathway to discovering and finding your inner peace.

Getting Started

When you think of journaling, your immediate thought might be the act of putting pen to paper; however, there isn't one correct way to journal. Some use a notebook, while others like myself use more modern methods such as iPhone notes or apps. Two platforms I would recommend if you need a place to get started are the apps Day One Journal: Private Diary and Prompted Journal, both available in the App Store. Whether you opt for the tangible feel of paper beneath your pen or the convenience of typing away, the essence of journaling remains consistent. No rules, no judgments – just the freedom to express yourself.

The Content

Once again, there isn't a single correct way to approach journaling. Personally, I find solace in reflecting on my daily experiences and emotions before I go to bed each night. I title each journal entry with the corresponding day and then write about whatever comes to mind. If something bothered me during the day or if there's lingering stress, I journal about it. For some, journaling without a prompt is daunting. That’s why journaling prompts exist. I attached some of my own prompts below to help you get started.

  • Emotion Check-In: Identify and express the most prominent emotion of the day. Reflect on the circumstances and lessons associated with that emotion.

  • Gratitude Snapshot: List three things you're grateful for today and briefly explore why. Reflect on the positive emotions associated with these moments.

  • Tomorrow’s Focus: Set a positive intention for tomorrow. Identify a goal or quality to focus on and consider how it contributes to your overall well-being.

Why Should I Journal? 

Journaling is a simple tool that can assist you in navigating your daily life and discovering your inner peace. At times, discussing your problems with others may feel overwhelming. Journaling serves as a means to release built-up tension from the day in a less overwhelming manner. 

A gentle reminder that journaling might not resonate with everyone, but if you're seeking a haven of peace and a tool for self-reflection, consider giving journaling a try.

If you are feeling down and need support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Letters Against Depression if you haven’t already. We send letters of hope and support to those who need someone there for them. You can request to receive letters here.


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