Orange Leaves and Yellow Buses (Ian)

It's that time of year where orange streaks start to form in the trees and yellow school buses start hustling around town. Back to school time can be tough especially when transitioning from the carefree nature of summer. Oftentimes the added stress can negatively impact someone suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other mental illness. Assignments start to pile on and exams become a weekly nightmare. Whether it's the pressure others put on you, or you put on yourself, school certainly doesn’t help. It's important to find things that help ease that stress. Here are some things that help me.

  • Taking a walk to enjoy the vibrant fall colors

  • Watching an episode of my favorite TV show

  • Listening to some of my favorite artists for a couple minutes

  • Cuddling under the warmth of my plush blanket and doing nothing at all

  • Finding time to play the drums or going outside to play some basketball, for enjoyment (not because my teacher or coach told me to do so)

Your list may look entirely different from mine and that is completely okay. The point is to find things that you enjoy and incorporate them into your life as much as you can. It's important to take a break from what seems like an endless amount of work. Students often push themselves until they reach a breaking point so it's okay to step away once in a while and catch your breath. Making time for the things you cherish will help you get through the impossible. There are many students that have gone, or are going through the back to school motions. Finding someone to talk to like a family member, friend, or teacher can be imperative to relieving some of that stress. If you aren’t comfortable talking about it with anyone you know, Letters Against Depression can connect you with some of our awesome letter writers. 

Remember that you are never alone during this demanding time.

Wishing you all the best,



Dealing with Anxiety (Grounding)


When the World Feels Dark (Amanda)