When the World Feels Dark (Amanda)

When you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or any mental illness sometimes the world seems like a dark place. Doing what you love turns into a chore, and doing what you need to do becomes nearly unbearable.

When you find yourself struggling its good to remind yourself all of the beauties of the world. My personal favorites are:

  • the way it smells after it rains,

  • the sunset hitting the water just right,

  • the sound of raindrops on the windows and roof,

  • the feeling I get when I hear my favorite song, or see my favorite people,

  • reading a book under a cozy blanket.

The list could go on and on. It’s a nice reminder that even though I’m struggling, I wont always be, and I haven’t always been. The same goes for you. Having a support system is crucial, so if you need someone you always know where to find us at Letters Against Depression. We’re all sending you hugs, especially me. 

I also found that sometimes staying cozy at home and picking up a new hobby will distract my mind and turn my sadness into something beautiful, like poetry, painting, or knitting. When I first fell into a really dark place, I decided to try new things until I fell in love with one. I began customizing shoes and clothes, which turned into my own small business. I began making money to afford mental health help services, alongside free ones. I then spread the joy as far as I could by donating designs to kids in shelters, or families for the holidays. Kindness spreads joy in all different ways, focus on being kind to yourself first, and then you’ll be able to spread your kindness to help others. Even a smile to someone could make their day, so I hope this makes yours 😊. 

Sending you love from afar. 


Amanda Heuskin

If you are feeling down and need support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at
Letters Against Depression if you haven’t already. We send letters of hope and support to those who need someone there for them. You can request to receive letters here.


Orange Leaves and Yellow Buses (Ian)


Find Your Skateboard (Sean)