Find Your Skateboard (Sean)

A well-known quote by Canadian Robert Genn states, "Passion is the force that springs an artist from the needling cushion of depression." While this statement specifies art, I believe the sentiment applies to all people, regardless of interests. When life gets tough, and it feels like the world isn't yours anymore, you need something or maybe someone to push you to grab the reins again. For me, that something was my skateboard. 

Lately, as life becomes increasingly hectic, I find myself relating to my past, mainly when I was at my lowest. Two years ago, the virus lock down hit me much harder than I expected. I had zero motivation to do anything, and I lost all my friends. There was no reason to socialize, so I just didn't. During quarantine, I remember waking up and just lying in bed for hours. I didn't know what day it was, nor did I care. Since I wasn't active, I lost my appetite and survived on a diet of pretzel sticks and ice cream tubs. I was unequivocally spiraling out of control. 

What I missed the most were my friends. We would go skating on Fridays after school until it was so dark even we were concerned about safety. We spent our weekends learning how to kickflip and shuvit with the Internet as our guide. It was only when I started stepping on my skateboard again in that hot, mucky garage in the summer of 2020 that I regained control of my life. 

Today, in 2022, whenever I feel overwhelmed, anxious, or useless, I remember the motivation I felt two years ago. I hope my story helps and exemplifies how vital having passion can be. Anything can be therapeutic, even if it's only for a short time. Whether sketching, listening to music, or exercising, as long as it pushes you to grab the reins, I believe it's a success.  

I sincerely hope my experience inspires you to think of your passions and take control of your life. What are your deep interests? What is truly important to you? Can you find your skateboard? These questions can be a great place to start. Good luck; I wish you all the best. 

If you are feeling down and need support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Letters Against Depression if you haven’t already. We send letters of hope and support to those who need someone there for them. You can request to receive letters here.


When the World Feels Dark (Amanda)


Commitments, Intentions, and Values For Better Mental Health (Tonya Gulbranson)