Creating to Cope (Jennifer)
We all have moments where we just need to try something different. Whether our depression is at a low point or our anxiety is at a high point, getting out of our heads and doing something with our hands can be very beneficial.
If you're looking for a way to cope with a difficult emotions, tapping into your creative side could help. And if you don't feel like a very creative person, that's okay. These ideas are for everyone.
1. Write a list of words that express how you're feeling. You can even use colors and drawings as you write. Use blues to write sadness. Maybe you could add some rain clouds beside the word. Reds could be used to express anger.
2. Write a haiku. A haiku is a poem that follows this format...
Five syllables in the first line.Seven in the second line.Five in the third.
Don't worry about the quality of the poem. It's not about how good it is. It's about using the creative process to help cope with difficult emotions.
3. Doodle. You don't have to be an artist to doodle. Shapes, stick figures, and scribbles are perfectly fine. Remember, this is about the process not the result.
4. Journal. Put those thoughts and feelings into words by keeping a journal.
5. Paint. Don't worry about the end result. Just enjoy the experience. Use the paint to splatter and splash. Paint a picture of nature...or something more abstract.
Whether you consider yourself a creative person or not, I hope these idea hope you cope when you're struggling.